Take the opportunity to create a meaningful and beneficial connection and relationship with your client base and prospective clients. Keep in touch regularly via mail, email or the very effective email blasts. Continue the conversation on a regular basis with well thought out and clever content. Clean layout. good design, with interesting copy and images will certainly make an impact and raise an awareness and an appreciation of your business, products and services.
Westword – Newsletter(20-40) pages per issues
Client: Defense Contract Management West
Scope of Services: Design, layout, line
drawings, production of digital print file
Hawkins & Sarraf
Scope of Services:
Concept, design, layout, print
production of digital print files.
Gallery-click on images
Ma Griffe Galerie
Quarterly Newsletter
Scope of Services:
Design, Layout, Drawings.
Copy Writing, production of digital files.
Gallery-click on images
Designated as One of Toastmasters International Top Ten Newsletters Worldwide
Client: Toastmaster District One – Los Angeles
Scope of Services: Editor in Chief, Design (Masthead and Logo), Layout, Copy Writing, Line Drawing, production of digital print files.
Gallery-click on images
Client: SPARTS – San Pedro Art Association
Scope of Services: Editor-in-Chief, Design, Layout, Copy Writing, production of digital print files.
Gallery-click on images